Suit of Armour by a Door

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"Forget Tiffany, Cartier, and Bergdoff Goodman. When Yoko Ono goes shopping it's not on Fifth Avenue, but down in Greenwich Village. And it's there, not in the Big Apple's glitzy restaurants, hotels, and clubs that Yoko found the perfect cup of coffee.

At $1.15 for a cup of espresso – $2.50 for cappuccino – this will hardly dent her huge fortune. But excessive consumption is not what John Lennon's widow is about.

"But," she says, "the Village is where to shop. Coming here is like returning to my roots, going back 30 years or so before I ever knew John."

And it's to La Lanterna she likes to return – a bohemian establishment which specializes in coffee and cake and stays open till three or four in the morning while artists, writers, and musicians thrash out the world's problems. And all without a drop of alcohol – the most exotic drink you'll get there is fresh Frullati ($3.50), a cold mixed fruit shake." --"Yoko Ono," by Christopher Wilson